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Project progress

The progress of a project relates to how far it has advanced and how far it has advanced to this point. A condition and quantity of recent work demonstrates progress done up to a certain point.

Work Progress


Week 1

In the beginning, we have made the selection of group members. In addition, our group members have discussed for the setting of the group name as 10 IN 1 and also the setting of the project. Finally, we have to create each CV and send it for review.

Week 2

Our team members compared the suggestions given by our lecturer and made the final decision, such as whether the products sold attract customers and how to make more money. In addition, we also learn how to register SSU for our company. 


Week 3

Our group members have discussed the products we will sell and also the theme of the products. Also, our group is divided into 3 groups to explore the website, Facebook and Instagram. Because of the age of technology, we have to be active in social media to attract customers and grow our business.


Week 4

We have created a template to identify our Company branding. Also, our group members have created a logo and tagline for 10 IN 1. We have also created our own ePortfolio and upload it to social media so that all visitors get to know us better.

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Week 5

For this week, our lecturer, Fatihah Binti Mohd had organized online workshop 2 which is E-Commerce Workshop Series 2023 with Mrs. Wan Fatin Fatihah Yahya to share with us how to use Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and register our google business profile.

Week 6

On 3/5/2023, we had learn about digital marketplace which is Shopee for growing our business. Mrs. Wan Fatin Fatihah Yahya had share the way to register Shopee and the tips to attract customer and visitor. We are also learning about how to start a live broadcast on Shopee.


Week 7

We had upload our project progress in Padlet that our lecturer prepared for us. We also create our products video and upload in Youtube.

Week 8

This week, our team has been busy making all the necessary preparations for our upcoming Shopee Live session. We are excited to showcase our product, herbal eggs, and engage with our audience in real-time.


Week 9

On 23 Mei 2023 our group, 10 in 1  were hosting Shopee Live at Speaker Corner in UMK. During the Shopee Live, we had promote our herbal eggs to all the viewers. With 7843 likes and 730 viewers, it is sure to be a success! 

Week 10

We are going to revised and improved our website, and keep posting on the facebook, and instagram to attract followers. Finally, we have successfully obtained more than 200 followers and likes.

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Week 11

We upload our company's shopee information to the padlet and sumbit it in this week. the padlet has include team member, BTS picture, shopee shop, shopee live stream, link shopee live video, number of viewer, number of follower, close sale number, and comments.

Week 12

This week is our CARNIVAL OF MEGAPRENEURHIP AND INNOVATION 2.0 (COMEi 2.0). The carnival held at the UMK city camous entrepreneurship hall on 10-12 June 2023. 

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